Monday, 23 April 2012

The Lost Heroes of Rock 'n Roll by Jon Washington

Book Summary of The Lost Heroes of Rock 'n Roll
Writing this book (for me) has been a labor of love. Ever since Rosemary Gardener dropped off her record collection at my house back in the 1950's, Rock 'n Roll music has consumed a large part of my life. The people who spearheaded the music that changed the world deserve the recognition and the thanks of the entire 'Baby Boom' generation. Some of the artists whose stories are told in this book suffered from more than their fair share of human frailties, but the unfailing commitment to their music far outweighs the way they chose to live their lives. Without these visionary and, sometimes eccentric, people Rock 'n Roll music would never have happened; and, we as a generation, would be forever stuck in the grey "Father Knows Best - Leave It To Beaver" netherworld of the bland, middle-class 1950's. We should all be profoundly grateful for the shot of adrenaline, kick in the ass music that propelled us headlong into the ongoing musical saga of Flower Power, MTV, Heavy Metal and the New-Wave era. Without the contribution of these groundbreaking pioneers, all we know today of the Rock 'n Roll experience would not have been possible. It is my sincere hope that the true stories contained within this book will instill a desire in the musicians of today to find out more about their predecessors who were forerunners in the Rock 'n Roll revolution. In the early days, the establishment reviled Rock 'n Roll music. The politicians of the time, and even the church, renounced the new music and fought bitterly to stamp out the first stirrings of the Rock 'n Roll consciousness. It is only through the efforts and the tenacity of the few Rock 'n Roll innovators that today's young musicians are able to makea living in their chosen profession. This book is dedicated to the men and women, songwriters and performers of the early Rock 'n Roll era. They may be lost, but they will never be forgotten. They will remain in our hearts forever, the lost heroes of Rock 'n Roll. Jon Washington Las Vegas, Nevada August 2002

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